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 Contact us

If you have any questions or inquiry, you may call or email us. We’ll try our best to provide you with a professional and pleasant service. You may contact us by filling this form and stating your request. We’ll contact you as soon as possible.

Honiton Industries Inc.
No. 198, Deming Rd., Taiping Dist., Taichung City 411008, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL : +886-4-2278 5199
FAX : +886-4-2278 8909

E-mail: info@honiton.com.tw


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No. 198, Deming Rd., Taiping Dist., Taichung City 411008, Taiwan (R.O.C.) TEL : 886-4-2278 5199  FAX : 886-4-2278 8909  
Design by DAY YEU